Click on the Blue Bars for more information

Welcome to Slipstream™, the most advanced Premium Diesel and Gasoline Marine Fuel available today. With Slipstream™, you are providing your boat-owning customers superior engine performance and reliability. Your customers will be able to FEEL and SEE the difference when they fuel-up with Slipstream™.
Advanced Fuel Solutions has put together an exciting and comprehensive marketing package to help you make your marina the flagship for boaters with the Slipstream™ brand.
Slipstream™ Premium Marine Diesel keeps injectors clean and maintains optimum engine performance, meets both the NCWM & EMA/TMC Premium Diesel criteria for detergency, and is designed to remove and prevent deposits which can deteriorate fuel economy and emissions. It also increases the thermal stability of fuels, preventing the fuel from breaking down under high temperatures. Slipstream™ Premium Marine Diesel reduces sludge formation that plugs fuel filters, injector deposits, smoke and damage to fuel injectors.
Demulsifies to prevent fuel/water emulsion and drops excessive water out of solution.
Water dispersant to help safely remove water on a gradual basis.
Protects all diesel fuel-injection systems.
Reduces pump and injector wear.
Protects the entire fuel system from corrosion. increases cetane five (5) numbers.
Enhances cold starts, reduces misfiring, white smoke, noise and warm-up.
Slipstream™ Premium Marine Gas Additive is specially formulated for marine engines and is designed to prevent the problems associated with ethanol blended gasoline, such as phase separation, moisture contamination, poor stability and the formation of power-reducing carbon deposits.
Helps to clean and keep clean intake valves and injectors,
which can result in:
Optimized fuel economy
Maximized power and acceleration
Reduced emissions
Helps prevent phase separation
Eliminates carbon, varnish and sludge
Reduces gum formation
Helps control harmful peroxide formation
Provides seasonal storage stability
Excellent combustion chamber deposit control
Good demulsibility
A-rating corrosion protection
Contact us today and learn how you can become a distrubutor of Slipstream Premium Marine fuels today!!!

Valued Slipstream Partners

Slipstream™ Premium Marine Fuel to Power 200-Foot SSV Oliver Hazard Perry
NORTH ANDOVER, MA— Advanced Fuel Solutions, Inc. (AFS) and Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island (OHPRI) have announced a partnership to pair the largest civilian sailing school vessel in the U.S with the highest quality marine fuel on the market.
(Click on the Oliver Hazard Perry for the full press release)

Slipstream™ Premium Marine Fuel now being offer by Bahrs Landing .
Sandy Hook, NJ, -Advanced Fuel Solutions, Inc., announces the release of SlipstreamTM Premium Marine Fuel. The new marine fuel is positioned to be the most advanced marine fuel brand in the market serving both gasoline and diesel engines. Designed for the rigors of fresh and sea watercraft of all sizes, the marine fuel is commercially blended with fuel performance enhancers that help ensure greater efficiency and improved engine performance. SlipstreamTM intends to lead the industry in fuel quality; promising to boat owners, who pay high prices for gasoline and diesel, that it will deliver on its performance claims and help lower the maintenance costs and downtime of their prized possessions.
(click on the Bahrs landing for the full press release)

Taylor Oil now offering Slipstream™ Premium Marine Fuel.
Taylor Oil is currently offering Slipstream Premium Marine Fuels. A blend of fuel treatment added into Gasonline and Diesel Fuel. If you would like to stand out from the other Marina this is your opportunity. To learn more and start offering Slipstream Branded Premium Fuel please click the Taylor Oil logo and request Slipstream today. The benfits of offering a full package Premium Fuel is just a click away.
Marine Maintainence Solutions

Terminally Reactive Advanced Protection
Performance Vent Pipe Filtering System
T.R.A.P. breathers strip moisture vapor from intake air and release the moisture back to the atmosphere on the outflow cycle. The filter continuously regenerates its water holding capacity. T.R.A.P. breathers expel the moisture back out, eliminating the need to change the breather due to water saturation, unlike desiccant filters that require frequent change-out. T.R.A.P. breathers not only protect against moisture but also provide advanced particulate filtration.

FQS 1.5 Microbicide®
FQS 1.5 Microbicide® offers a wide variety of advantages that no other biocide can match. It is an EPA approved antimicrobial agent used in the control of bacteria and fungi in fuel systems that store liquid hydrocarbon fuels and oils such as: crude oils, petrochemical feed stocks, liquefied petroleum gasses, gasoline, diesel fuel oils, aviation fuels, kerosene, coal slurries, renewable fuel blend stock and renewable fuel blends.
FAST ACTING – FQS 1.5 Microbicide® has shown to decrease microbial activity in as quickly as 5 hours after initial treatment.
TREAT RATE: Typical effective treat rate is 100 ppm or 1 gallon FQS 1.5 Microbicide® to 10,000 gallons fuel product. Fuel systems with severe microbial contamination can undergo treatments of up to 400 ppm.
AVAILABLE IN: Quarts, Gallon Jugs, and 5 gallon pails. Click below and send a request.
On Site Fuel Testing for Microbial Conatimantion
Introducting the Hy-Lite microbial contamination tester. This simple test will confirm if you have contamination in your bulk storage or any place where fuel is used. A test that used to take 3-4 day now only takes 10 mins with the new Hy-Lite testing procedure. All you need is 32 oz. of fuel and we can determine if you need to treat the fuel with biocide to elimated the issue. Quick, easy and cost effective. Click on the "Test My Fuel" button and request for 1 FREE complimentary test today.